Friday, May 2, 2014

Today for STEM we looked at the structures of 4 flowers. We discussed where the pollen would be located and what special properties their hand pollinator would have to posses to get the job of pollination done. The four flowers we were looking at are the Poppy
external image poppy.jpg

the Dutchman's Pipe
external image duch.jpg

Jack in the Pulpit
external image jack.jpg

Bucket Orchid
external image bucket.jpg

Then I showed them the models we would use to emulate the flowers for our hand pollinators. For the poppy we will use an open dish. For the Dutchman's Pipe we will use a test tube. For
Jack in the Pulpit we will use a test tube with an index card bent over the top. Lastly for the Bucket Orchid we are using PVC pipe. The students were put into pairs and given a model of a flower. They brainstormed designs and decided on a final design they are wanting to test tomorrow.
external image wordmover-3.jpg


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