Friday, September 13, 2013

Genius Hour

         Hopefully, your student will share with you  about Genuis Hour today.  If you do not hear about it here is some information.
On every other Friday this year, when we do not have Specials, we will be incorporating 'Genius Hour' into our classroom. Genius Hour allows students the opportunity to choose something to research and learn about, that they have wondered about and/or been interested in. Students decide on a question that they want to discover the answer to. Then, they submit their question to me for approval. If the question can be answered too quickly, it will not be approved for study. It must be a genuine question that requires research, study and learning something new.
Once they have completed their research, students must then create a presentation to share with the rest of the class, to teach what they have learned.  The presentation can be a poster, a paper book, or a digital presentation on the IPAD.
Most of the research and presentation will be done during Genuis Hour at school, however, you may help your student at home with the research and presentation as long as it is just help and they are still doing the project.
We will work on the first Genius Hour project for several weeks and then have the students present them.  Once that happens, we will start the process again and the students will get to chose a new topic to study.

I am so excited about this addition to our class this year and I can't wait to see what the students learn and present.  I have attached your student’s inquiry question so that you can keep up with how they are doing.

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